Energy Prices (Daily Change)
Up/Down | Price | Change | |
Crude Oil | ↑ | 86.52 | +2.89 |
Heating Oil | ↑ | 3.5358 | +.1667 |
RBOB Gasoline | ↑ | 2.6830 | +.1701 |
Natural Gas | ↑ | 6.837 | +.367 |
All prices updated at end of day using CME settlements.
Yesterday’s rally unfolded as markets are in more of a sell-the-rally mode than buy-the-dip.
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Despite the dip in oil prices following interest rate hikes by the Fed geared towards slowing the economy, prices remain elevated in general.
+Residential and commercial natural gas prices reach multiyear highs in 2022 – EIA
+Explainer: Why are fuel prices rising again in some US regions – Reuters
Macro Energy
+Saudi Aramco chief sounds alarm over global oil capacity – FT
+US oil groups urge Biden to take fuel export ban off the table – Reuters
Macro Economy
+Russian oil price cap would save emerging markets billions, US says – FT
+US job openings fell in August – WSJ
+IMF warns funds with illiquid assets pose risk to financial stability – FT
Energy Transition
+California wells run dry as drought depletes groundwater – AP
+Why $100 per ton is the carbon removal holy grail – Protocol
+The best policies to help coal towns weather the switch to renewables – Canary Media
The power sector is the tail that’s waving the economic dog. Learn more about the critical power sector with our Power 101 courses.
Other News
+How do you choose which endangered species to save? – WSJ
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