Last week we were discussing some articles on Rigzone, a great source for oil news. They had published a series related to how a transition to the 'Gig Economy' and app-based workforce solutions are …
Shell Ethane Cracker Plant Update
It has been a while since we put together an update on the Shell ethane cracker plant proposed to be built in Beaver County, PA. However, some recent developments have shown that this major …
Energy, Sustainability & STEM – Looking Forward
On February 25, 2015, I had the opportunity to speak about how constructive the energy industry is at the “Sustainable Energy for South Texas Symposium” hosted by The University of Texas-Pan American …
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SPE Panel of Past, Present, and Future Presidents
Last month, the SPE Gulf Coast Section's Annual Executive Breakfast was held at the Houstonian Hotel in Houston, TX. EKT Interactive President Marty Stetzer was able to attend this exclusive …
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SPE Speaking Engagement: Welcome to Wellsite and Field Production Operations
EKT Interactive President Marty Stetzer is off to San Antonio to deliver this one day "Welcome to Wellsite and Field Production Operations" course. This course will cover all aspect of site …
Oil and Gas Layoffs Part 3: Mobilizing Teams Around Productivity Improvement
The rapid decline in crude oil prices has led many oil and gas organizations to initiate layoffs as a major part of their adaptive strategy. Layoffs Are Not Always The Answer The first …
Oil and Gas Layoffs Part 2: Finding Alternatives
Finding Alternatives to Layoffs During the periodic downturns in the Oil and Gas business, layoffs are often part of the predictable response. The first article in this series 'Coping with the …
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How $50 Oil Changes Everything
"Oil prices are the big story for 2015. They are a once-in-a-generation shock and will have huge reverberations." The start of 2015 sure had a different tone in the oil industry than that of a year …
Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) Boom
A recent WSJ article highlighted a little talked about segment of the natural gas market that has grown as a result of the boom in domestic oil and gas production. WSJ: Shale Shines Light on Natural …
$80 Oil Ripples Through Global Industry, Economy, Politics
Our company president is fond of saying that one reason he loves being in the oil business is that “it’s always in the news”. This month I was getting emails almost daily from our experts saying, …
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WSJ Article Offers Great Insight on Fracking Economics
Energy Boom Can Withstand Steeper Oil-Price Drop Some Smaller U.S. Producers Are Likely to Face Pinch From a More-Modest Decline Oil prices would need to fall at least …
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Industry Trends: Crude By Rail
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, inspired us to look at the topic known in the industry as 'Crude by Rail'. This game-changing trend in oil transportation has transformed the midstream …