Energy Prices (Daily Change)
Up/Down | Price | Change | |
Crude Oil | ↓ | 85.10 | -3.38 |
Heating Oil | ↓ | 3.2052 | -.1737 |
RBOB Gasoline | ↓ | 2.4287 | -.0958 |
Natural Gas | ↓ | 8.324 | -.790 |
All prices updated at end of day using CME settlements.
Energy Macro is brought to you by:
If yesterday’s rally was all about the potential railway strike, then today’s decline is all about the aversion of that event.
The potential shutdown of a major infrastructure category in the middle of an already-inflationary environment was good reason to be long. That reason has eased for now.
+US railroad strike averted as tentative deal is reached – WSJ
Macro Energy
+Shell pics gas veteran Sawan as CEO to lead transition – Reuters
Macro Economy
+US home mortgage rates surpass 6% for the first time since 2008 – FT
+The roller coaster ride ahead for the economy and investors – El-Erain – FT
Energy Transition

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