Energy Prices (Daily Change)
Up/Down | Price | Change | |
Crude Oil | ↑ | 88.48 | +1.17 |
Heating Oil | ↓ | 3.3789 | -.1624 |
RBOB Gasoline | ↑ | 2.5245 | +.0441 |
Natural Gas | ↑ | 9.114 | +.830 |
All prices updated at end of day using CME settlements.
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Natural gas prices in both the US and Europe bounced significantly today. The potential railway strike in the US would affect coal movements, and despite what Europe is hoping for, there is not much ability to increase production here in the states.
“It’s not like the US can pump a bunch more. Our production is what it is,” said Wil VanLoh, head of private equity group Quantum Energy Partners, one of the shale patch’s biggest investors.
+US shale bosses tell Europe: ‘There’s no bailout coming’ – FT
+Natural gas prices surge anew – WSJ
+EIA forecasts record US natural gas consumption in 2022 – EIA
Macro Energy
+Treasury spells out how firms can comply with Russian oil-price cap – WSJ
+EU embargo to hit Russian out output, IEA says – FT
+Explainer: Why western Canada has some of the cheapest natural gas in the world – Reuters
Macro Economy
+Isolated US Northeast could face energy shortages if rail shutdown proceeds – Reuters
+From car makers to refiners, industries brace for rail strike – AP
Energy Transition

The power sector is the tail that’s waving the economic dog. Learn more about the critical power sector with our Power 101 courses.
+The US oil executive making a big bet on combating climate change – Reuters
Other News
+US coast guard probes gas pipeline explosion at Lake Lery, LA – Offshore Mag
+Another Putin ally dead after ‘suffocating’ on business trip – Daily Beast